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Brokerage Contract


甲方Party A:___________________________

法定代表人/委托代理人:______________(身份证/护照号码:______________) Legal Representative/Authorised Representative:

(ID/Passport NO.: )




Party B:

法定代表人/委托代理人:______________(身份证/护照号码:______________) Legal Representative/Authorised Representative:

(ID/Passport NO.: )




According to the rules of equality, voluntariness and good faith, both parties of this contract agreed the following issues relating to Party A authorised Party B to find the buyer in the land-use-right transfer: 第一条 被转让地块情况概述

Clause 1, the outline of the transferred site


The basic situations of the site which Party A authorised Party B to transfer the land-use-right are the following:

1.1 甲方为该地块的所有权人,土地所有权证号为______________________;

1.1 Party A is the landowner of the site, the number of the land-use-right certificate is:

1.2 该地块位于___________________;

1.2 the site is located in

1.3 该地块的面积为___________________。

1.3 the size of the site is


The aforesaid information is provided by Party A, and Party A promised that all the information it provided is accurate and true.

第二条 签订本协议时,甲方须向乙方提供如下证件、证书等资料:企业法人营业执照、法定代表人身份证明文件、授权委托书、法定代表人/委托代理人的身份证/护照、土地使用权证书、土地使用权共有人同意出售的证明。

Clause 2. Party A shall provide the following certificate and proof at the time of signing this contract: Business licence, legal representative certificate, letter of authorisation, ID card or passport of legal

representative/authorised person, the certificate of land-use-right, the statement of agreeing to sell the land-use-right from the co-owner of the land-use-right.


第三条 佣金

Clause 3. Commission


Both parties agree that Party A shall pay Party B % of the transaction price of the deal as the commission. Party A shall pay Party B the

commission one-time at the time of signing land-use-right transfer contract.


To make sure the transaction price of the deal, Party A shall show

Party B the land-use-right transfer contract, otherwise, Party B can charge the commission and penalty costs according to the assessment of the price. 第四条 甲方义务

Clause 4. the responsibilities of Party A


Party A promised that all the documents it provided to Party B are

complete, true, legitimate and effective, and there are no any false forged situation existed.



Started from the signing of this contract, Party A shall pay Party B the commission according to clause 3 of this contract if Party A signed any contract / agreement relating to land-use-right transfer / lease /

cooperation / investment with the following company or legal entity:

1. 有限公司或其任何关联公司/实体(包括但不限于子公司、分公

司、合作公司); 1. or its relating company / legal entity (include but not limited to subsidiaries, branches, cooperative companies);

2. 或其任何关联公司/实体(包括但不限于子公司、分公司、合作公

司)。 2. or its relating company / legal entity (include but not limited to subsidiaries, branches, cooperative companies).

第五条 违约责任

Clause 5 The liabilities

甲方因向乙方提供不真实、不合法或无效的相关信息、资料给乙方及 /和他人(包括但不限于土地使用权受让人)造成损失的,甲方应承担全部的赔偿责任。

Party A shall take liabilities if the documents it provided to Party B are not true, illegal or ineffective which makes Party B and other people (include but not limited to the buyer of the land-use-right) have loss. 甲方私自与乙方介绍的土地使用权受让人订立合同的,应向乙方支付违约金(按应当支付的佣金的20%计)并支付相应的佣金。


If Party A signed the land-use-right transfer contract privately with the buyer introduced by Party B, Party A shall pay the penalty costs (20% of the commission shall be paid) and the commission to Party B.


Party A shall pay the commission to Party B at the time of signing contract with the buyer. If Party A did not pay the commission on time, it shall pay Party B % of the commission as the penalty costs.

第六条 本合同为不可撤销的合同。

Clause 6. This contract is an irrevocable contract.

第七条 本合同如有未尽事宜,双方可另行协商达成补充协议。补充协议为本合同不可分割的一部分,具有同等法律效力。

Clause 7. Both parties will sign the supplementary contract if there is any more issues need to be discussed. The supplementary contract is an integral part of this contract and has the same legal effect.

第八条 本协议在履行过程中,如发生争议,协议双方应首先本着友好协商的方式解决。协商不成,任何一方均可按本合同约定向深圳国际仲裁院申请仲裁进行解决。 Clause 8. If there is any dispute happens, both parties shall negotiate with each other first. Afterwards, any party can apply for an arbitration to Shenzhen Court of International Arbitration.

第九条 本合同及补充协议均采用中英文双语文本,自甲乙双方签字、盖章之日起生效。

Clause 9. this contract and the supplementary contract shall be bilingual version. It will be effected at the date of signing and chopped.

第九条 本合同一式两份,甲乙双方各执一份,具有同等法律效力。

Clause 10. this contract has two copies. Both party has one copy and both copy has the same legal effect.

甲方Party A:


Legal representative/ authorised representative: (sign and chop)

乙方Party B:


Legal representative/ authorised representative: (sign and chop)


Date of signing:

房屋买卖居间合同  中英文2017-04-19 16:05 | #2楼

甲方(卖方):   party a (seller):

乙方(买方):   party b (buyer):

丙方(居间方): party c(agent):          


pursuantto relevant laws and regulations of the people’s republic of chinaand relevant rules of beijing municipality, party a and party bentrust party c to act as their agent for the sales between party aand party b and bear testimony to the afore-said transaction inprinciple of voluntary, fairness and honesty. through friendlynegotiation, party a, party b and party c hereby agree to enterinto this agreement and abide by it jointly.

第一条房产成交sales& purchase of the property


party aagrees to sell the property to party b. the property is qualifiedfor sale in the market in accordance with the regulation of beijingmunicipal construction committee. together with the sales of theproperty, the allocated land area for the property and the usableterm of the land is transferred to party b jointly. the property isdescribed as:

1、甲方依法取得的房屋产权证号为:                     ;

serial no.of the title certificate of the propertyis:______________;

2、房产位于北京市      区【县】                 ;address: district(county), beijing;

房屋结构:           ,房屋用途:           ;(有产权车位的请特别注明)

architecture:_________, purpose: _________(please indicateif there is parking lot with title);

3、房屋建筑面积           平方米;房屋使用面积          平方米(可不填);

construction area: _________m2; usable floor space:__________m2(optional);


togetherwith the title of the property, facilities and interior decorationsto be transferred are as described in appendix (1);


party ashall guarantee that it has completely disclosed the facts aboutthe property, including but not limited to the title, decorationand relevant information; party b has fully understood the factsand agrees to buy the property voluntarily.

6、房屋共有人及共有人意见:co-owners of the property and intention for thesale


co-ownersrefer to more than one person, legal person or organization, whoown the title of the property together.

第二条成交价格及付款方式sales price andterms of payment


甲、乙双方经协商一致,同意上述房产成交价格为人民币       元;上述交易总价款包括:【房价款】【公共维修基金】【室内不可移动之装修】【空调】及其它party a and party b agree that the salesprice of the property be rmb______;

the priceincludes: [price of the property], [public maintenance fund],[permanent interior decoration], [air-conditioners] andothers.

1.   二、付款方式terms ofpayment

甲乙双方经协商一致,甲方认可乙方采取以下第     种方式付款:

party bshall make the payment in accordance with ________ asfollow:

a.   1、现金支付cash

乙方应在签订本合同当日,预先支付总房款的    %,作为保证双方履行合同的定金,该笔款项连同剩余款项经甲乙双方协商,决定采用下列第   种方式:

uponsigning of this agreement, party b shall pay 10% of the price (sayrmb________) as the deposit. this payment shall be made inaccordance with ______as follow:

i.    全部支付给甲方,甲方开具相应的收款凭证;

paid toparty a in full and party a shall issue an invoice;

b)   暂时存入21世纪不动产北京区域分部在特定银行开立的监管账户内,由该银行监管该部分资金,待该房屋权属过户手续办理完毕及物业交割后,连同剩余房款一并支付给甲方。此业务须由甲乙双方与21世纪不动产北京区域分部另行签订交易资金监管委托协议;

depositedtemporarily to the escrow account of century21 beijing region. thisdeposit will be released only when the title transfer from party ato party b is completed and the property handover has beenconcluded, and the deposit will be released together with theremaining payment to party a. to do this, party a and party b needto sign a separate escrow agreement with century21 beijingregion.

剩余款项的支付:payment methodof the remaining amount


party aand party b hereby agree that, for the afore-said method (b), oncethe escrow fund is deposited in the escrow account of century21beijing region, it is deemed that party b has performed its paymentobligation of deposit and the sales price.


(1)乙方应在签订本合同当日,预先支付总房款的 %,作为保证双方履行合同的定金;

uponsigning of this agreement, party b shall pay ______% of the price(say rmb________) as the deposit, which will be part of the downpayment.

(2)乙方应在签订本合同 日内,另行支付 元整,连同先前支付的定金(定金折抵首付款),一并作为首付款(首付款金额按照贷款银行的贷款条件不得低于房屋总价款的   %)。

within____ days after signing of this agreement, party b shall make upthe rest part of the down payment (the down payment shall be noless than  %of the price in accordance with mortgage bank’srequirement).

上述(1)、(2)款项经甲乙双方协商一致,决定采用下列第   种方式:

throughthe negotiation, party b agrees to make the afore-said payment in______way as follow:

a)   全部支付给甲方,甲方开具相应的收款凭证;

paid infull amount to party a and party a shall issue aninvoice;

b)   暂时存入21世纪不动产北京区域分部在特定银行开立的监管账户内,由该银行监管该部分资金,待该房屋权属过户手续办理完毕及物业交割后,连同剩余房款一并支付给甲方。此业务须由甲乙双方与21世纪不动产北京区域分部另行签订交易资金监管委托协议;

depositedtemporarily into the escrow account of century21 beijingregion. this deposit will be released only when the title transfer fromparty a to party b is completed and the property handover has beenconcluded, and the deposit will be released together with theremaining payment to party a. to do this, party a and party b needto sign a separate escrow agreement with century21 beijingregion.


party aand party b hereby agree that, for the afore-said method (b), oncethe escrow fund is deposited in the escrow account of century21beijing region, it is deemed that party b has performed its paymentobligation of deposit and the down payment.


if party bmakes the remaining payment with bank mortgage, party b shall signa separate entrusted payment authorization with century 21 beijingregion for its mortgage services.

1) 经办理贷款的银行审批,乙方符合贷款条件的,贷款银行依据乙方签署的《委托付款授权书》将款项一次性划至甲方在同行开设的专用结算帐户。

if party bsatisfies the criteria of getting the mortgage loan through theexamination of the lending bank, the lending bank shall remit theloan in lump sum to the special settlement account opened by partya at the bank in accordance with the entrusted paymentauthorization.

2) 经办理贷款的银行审批,乙方因自身原因尚不符合贷款条件的,双方经协商,选择      方式解决:

in caseparty b does not satisfy the criteria of getting the loan throughthe examination of the lending bank, party b will choose _______ofthe following methods as the solution:

a.   自银行做出不予批贷的决定起     日内,乙方自行筹集剩余房款,按照现金支付的形式支付给甲方,乙方承担在此期间发生的各项费用;

within______ days after the bank decides not to provide the loan, party bshall raise the remaining payment by himself and pay in cash toparty a. party b shall bear all the expenses occurred during thisperiod;


terminatethis agreement, and party a and party b shall refund the moneywhich have been paid to each other. party b shall bear all theexpenses occurred during this period.

三、关于税费相关规定      taxes and fees


a.   party a and party b shall pay all the taxes and fees respectivelyin accordance with relevant regulations of the state and localgovernments. party c shall assist party a and party b to calculaterelevant taxes and fees. through negotiation, party a and party bagree to bear the taxes and fees as follows:

双方对前述税费未约定、约定不明或遇政策调整的,双方应在权属过户之日前   日内协商并达成一致,否则,按国家相关法律规定缴纳;

for anytaxes or fees unspecified, unclear, or changed with the policy,party a and party b shall reach a consensus  days before the title transfer, or party a and party b shall makethe payment in accordance with the governmentregulation.


feesincluding but not limited to property management fee, utility feesfor water, electricity, gas, telephone and others before thehandover of the property is concluded shall be born by party a. andthe fees after shall be born by party b.


party aand party b may entrust party c to pay the aforesaid taxes and feesand party c shall transfer the payment proof, receipts and invoicesissued by relevant government to the parties that make thepayment.

第三条居间报酬的金额及支付方式commissionand terms of payment

因甲乙双方基于丙方的媒介服务而订立房屋买卖合同,丙方有权收取相应的居间报酬,因此甲乙双方在订立房屋买卖合同时,约定选择下列第     种方式支付丙方的居间报酬:

party aand party b agree to pay party c the commission for providing theagency services in accordance with  ofthe following payment methods:

1、居间报酬由一方支付,即 方应于本合同签订当日按照房屋总价款的     %,即人民币        元向丙方支付居间报酬;

born byone party. party   shall pay  %of the property price (say rmb________) to party c upon signing ofthis agreement;

2、居间报酬由甲乙双方分摊,即甲方按照房屋总价款的     %,即人民币              元向于本合同签订当日丙方支付居间报酬,乙方按照房屋总价款的     %,即人民币                元于本合同签订当日向丙方支付居间报酬。


shared bytwo parties. party a shall pay   % of the property price (say rmb________), and party b shallpay   % of the property price (say rmb________) to party c upon signingof the agreement.

theafore-said commission shall not be refunded by party c to any partyif this agreement fail to be performed due to default of eitherparty a or party b once this agreement is entered by the threeparties.

第四条权属过户代理title transferagency services

甲乙双方办理权属过户的所有证件资料准备齐全,由丙方为甲乙双方提供有偿的过户委托代理服务。丙方提供权属过户代理服务,权属过户的代理服务费金额为人民币                     元,由 方于本合同签订当日支付给丙方,(或甲方支付  元,乙方支付                    元); 

party aand party b shall prepare the certificates and materials for titletransfer and party c shall provide chargeable title transferservices for party a and party b with fees.

theservice fee for title transfer agency services is rmb______. thefee shall be paid by party ___to party c upon signing of thisagreement (or, party a pay rmb    and party b pay rmb   to party c).

第五条房屋交付handover of theproperty

1、甲乙双方同意,于办理权属过户手续(□前/□后)    日内腾出该房屋,并由丙方协助甲乙双方办理该房产的物业交割手续。若甲乙双方协商确定权属过户后办理物业交割手续,则由甲方向丙方预留押金            元,待物业交割完毕核对无误后返还给甲方。

. party aand party b agree that party a shall vacate theproperty   days before the title transfer. party c shall assist party a andparty b with the handover of the property. in case party a andparty b agree to conduct handover of the property after the titletransfer, party a shall pay party c a deposit in the amount ofrmb   , and this amount will be refunded to party b after the handover ofthe property is completed.


party ashall promise to compensate party b for the damage to or thedismantling of the decorations and accessories covered by appendixi of the agreement from the signing of the agreement to thehandover of the property in accordance with the evaluation of thedamaged or dismantled decorations and accessories.


party ashall bear the property management fee and other relevant feesbefore the handover of the property and the aforesaid fees shall bepaid by party b after the handover of the property.

4、甲乙双方同意在签订本合同后      个工作日(以丙方通知为准),持本合同和相关证件共同到房地产交易管理部门办理产权过户手续。办理产权过户手续中所发生的相关税费、土地出让金及手续费按国家规定收费标准由     方支付。

party aand party b agree to conduct the title transfer   days after signing of this agreement taking title certificate andrelevant material. party c will inform the specific date.party  shall pay the taxes and fees for title transfer in accordance withthe government regulations.

第六条甲方的权利和义务rights andobligations of party a

(一)甲方的权利:rights of partya

1、甲方有查验乙方身份的权利;party a shall have the right to check party b’sidentification.


party ashall have the right to get deposit and property sales price asstipulated in the agreement.


party ashall have the right of lawsuit upon party b’s breach to thisagreement.

(二)甲方的义务:duties of partya


party ashall provide party b with true, completed and valid informationabout the property;


party ashall disclose to party b the real facts about the property,including but not limited to the rental, collateral, leakage andother defect of the property;


party ashall change its residence address at the property  days after title transfer;


party ashall cooperate with party b for title transfer in a timelymanner;


party ashall guarantee all the facilities and accessories of the propertydescribed in appendix i are in good condition upon the handover ofthe property;


party ashall pay off all the fees related with the property before thehandover of the property.

第七条乙方的权利和义务rights andobligations of party b

(一)乙方的权利:rights of partyb


party bshall have the right to check all the material, contracts andcertificate about the property;

2、乙方有权实地查验房屋的状况;party b shall have the right to inspect theproperty;


party bshall have the right to be informed of the facts about theproperty;


party bshall have the right of lawsuit upon party a’s breach to thisagreement.

(二)乙方的义务:obligations ofparty b


party bshall pay the deposit and sales price in accordance with thestipulation of this agreement;


party bshall cooperate with party a for title transfer in a timelymanner;


party bshall provide true, completed and valid identificationmaterial.

第八条丙方的权利和义务rights andobligations of party c


party cshall provide agency services for party a and party b for signingthis agreement, providing the signing place, and bearing testimonyof signing this agreement;


party cshall provide party a and party b related material, update them thetransaction process and assist them with  property handover.

第九条甲方的违约责任. breach of theagreement by party a


party ashall refund doubled deposit to party b in case the title of theproperty fails to be transferred or the property fails to be handedover due to the false, uncompleted or invalid certificates,contracts or material in relation with the property provided byparty a;


in caseparty a fails to hand over the aforesaid property to party b withinthe period stipulated in the agreement, party a and party b agreeto adopt   of the following solutions:


party ashall pay party b ______% of the collected payment par day as thedefault fine and the agreement shall continue to beeffective.


in casethe length of overdue period exceeds  days and party a has not handed over the property or transfer theproperty title to party b, party b shall send a written notice toparty a, and party b shall have the right to terminate theagreement when party a still fails to handover the property ortransfer the title   days after party b sends out the written notice to party a. in thiscase, party a shall return double the deposit to party b andcompensate party b economic damage due to the default.


in casethere occurs any damage on party b as the result that party a failsto disclose to party b the real facts about the property, includingbut not limited to the rental, collateral, leakage and other defectof the property, party a and party b agree to adopt     of the following solutions:


party ashall pay party b ______% of the property sales price par day asthe default fine and the agreement shall continue to beeffective.


party apromises to recover the property to the condition satisfied byparty b within   days, and the agreement shall continue to be effective. otherwise,party b reserves the right to terminate this agreement and in thiscase, party a shall return double the deposit to party b andcompensate party b economic damage due to the default.


party b reserves the right to terminate this agreement and in thiscase, party a shall return double the deposit to party b andcompensate party b economic damage due to the default.


party ashall change the residence address within   days and shall pay rmb   to party b as the default fine.

(五)因甲方管理不善或故意将合同中约定的装修、房屋附属设施和设备损坏的,应按被损坏物品的实际价值向乙方补偿并应向乙方支付                         元的违约金。

in caseparty a damages the facilities or accessories in the propertyintentionally or negligently, party a shall compensate party b theactual price for the damage and pay rmb   as defaulting fine to party b.

第十条乙方的违约责任breach of theagreement by party b


in casethe title fails to be transferred due to the false, uncompleted orinvalid certificates or material provided by party b, party areserves the right not to refund the deposit to party b.


in caseparty b fails to make the payment or conduct title transfer processfollowing the timing as stipulated in this agreement, party a andparty b agree to adopt as thesolution:


party bshall pay party a ______% of the default payment par day as thedefault fine and the agreement shall continue to beeffective.


in casethe overdue, party a shall send a written notice to party b, andparty a shall have the right to terminate the agreement when partyb still fails to make the payment or conduct title transferprocess   days after party b receives the written notice from party a. inthis case, party a shall reserve the right not to refund thedeposit to party b, and party b shall compensate the economicdamage to party a due to the default.

第十一条丙方的违约责任breach of theagreement by party c


party cshall compensate the damage on party a and party b due to the falseinformation party c provides in relation with thisagreement.

第十二条合同生效validity of theagreement


theagreement shall take effect on the date when party a, party b andparty c sign and affix seals to the agreement.


in casethe content of the agreements reserved by party a and party bdisagrees, both party a and party b shall regard the agreementreserved by party c as the standard.


theagreement has four copies. party a, party b and party c keep oneeach and the fourth copy shall be kept by century 21 beijingregion. the four copies have equal binding effect.


本合同在履行中产生的争议事项,三方应协商解决。如协商不成,三方同意按照第   种方式解决该纷争。

. in casedisputes occur in the performance of the agreement, the threeparties shall solve the disputes through negotiation. in casenegotiation fails, the three parties agree to settle the disputesby the ______ method.


submit thedispute to china international economic and trade arbitrationcommission in beijing;


any partymay file a lawsuit at the court where the property islocated.



theparties may sign a supplementary agreement to cover the unsettledissues in the agreement. through negotiation, party a, party b andparty c agree that the supplementary clauses or the supplementaryagreement is an inalienable part of the agreement and has equaleffect under the preconditions that the supplementary agreement(clause) does not violate relevant laws and regulations of thestate and local governments.


in casethe supplementary clauses disagree with the clauses of theagreement, the supplementary clauses shall prevail.

甲方(签章):                               联系电话:                    

身份证号码:                               代理人:                      


签约日期:      年   月   日

party a(signature):                     telephone:

idno.:                              agent:

address ofparty a:

date ofsignature:

乙方(签章):                               联系电话:                    

身份证号码:                               代理人:                      


签约日期:      年   月   日

party b (signature):                        telephone:

idno.:                                  agent:

address ofparty b:

date ofsignature:




签约日期:      年   月   日

party c (signature):



date ofsignature:









