

时间:2022-11-21 05:42:42 代理 我要投稿
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Party A: China International Electronic Commerce Co.Ltd

Party B: China Sourcing Investment Inc (Canada)

根据《中华人民共和国合同法》规定,经双方商定,就甲方委托乙方促成甲方所属B2C 电子商务平台对外战略合作及融资的有关事宜,签订如下协议,并共同遵守。

Pursuant to the provisions of the Contract Law of the People's Republic of China, the Parties sign the Agreement hereinafter on the basis of mutual assent and will obey the Agreement together. According to the Agreement, Party B entrusted by Party A is asked to seek external strategic cooperation and finance for B2C electronic commerce platform owned by Party A.

第一条 甲方委托乙方代为协助甲方所属B2C 电子商务平台实现对外业务战略合作和融资。

Article 1 Party A entrusts Party B with the task of assisting B2C electronic commerce platform owned by Party A in seeking external strategic cooperation and finance.

第二条 乙方接受甲方的委托为甲方所属的B2C 电子商务平台寻找业务战略合作伙伴及投资方,包括:提供相应的咨询,帮助甲方寻找和筛选潜在战略合作伙伴及投资方,和经甲方授权代表甲方与潜在业务战略合作伙伴及投资方商洽等事宜。

Article 2 Entrusted by Party A, Party B hereby seek business strategic partnership and investor(s) for B2C electronic commerce platform owned by Party A, including providing relevant consultations, helping Party A to seek and filter out potential strategic partnership and investor(s), and authorized by Party A negotiating with potential strategic partnership and investor(s).

第三条 乙方接受甲方委托,在协议期内,提供以上服务,直到上述委托事项的完成。 Article 3 Entrusted by Party A, Party B should provide services hereinbefore during the effective period of this Agreement while the matters entrusted are completed.

第四条 甲方提供与公司相关的资料及信息,并保证资料和信息的真实性。

Article 4 Party A will provide materials and information about it, and guarantee the reality of materials and information.

第五条 双方均应就委托事项和相关材料承担保密的义务,除非法律或有管辖权的法院、仲裁机构或行政主管机关明确要求,双方在任何情况下不得向与对外战略合作和融资无关的第三方披露或说明本协议项下对方所提供的任何资料和文件。

Article 5 Unless clearly provided by law and the court, arbitral institution or administrative organ of jurisdiction, the Parties should perform obligation of confidentiality on the matters entrusted and relevant materials, and should not disclose or explain any material and document stipulated in the Agreement to third party unrelated to external strategic cooperation and finance under any circumstance.


第六条 在协议有效期内,甲方如自有潜在的业务战略合作伙伴及投资方,甲方有权自行与其开展战略合作及相关资本运作工作,可知会乙方合作对象名称,但不委托乙方参与工作,亦不向乙方支付相关费用。

Article 6 During the performance of this Agreement, Party A shall have the right to se-le-ct potential strategic partners and investors, if any, and carry out cooperation with them in strategic plan and capital operation. Party B may be informed with the name of the se-le-cted partners but will not be entrusted to take part in the cooperation as well as not be paid any fees.

第七条 乙方在帮助甲方寻找和筛选潜在战略合作伙伴及投资方过程中,应避免推荐乙方的关联公司及其他与乙方有利害关系的主体。如果推荐,需向甲方说明相关关系和情况。

Article 7 During the performance of Party B’s obligation, it shall not recommend any of its affiliate companies, associated companies, subsidiaries or interested parties as Party A’s partners. If necessary, Party

B should explain their relationship and provide detailed information.

第八条 在乙方协助甲方完成对外战略合作委托事项,即甲方正式签订对外战略合作协议并在融资资金到账时,甲、乙双方可根据第九条的收费方式进行选择。

Article 8 As soon as Party B performs its obligation, which shall mean a formal strategic cooperation plan has been signed between Party A and the cooperation partner and the financing capital has been paid, Party A and Party B shall choose the way of commission payment in accordance with Article 9.

第九条 在上述融资资金进入甲方或以甲方所属B2C 电子商务平台为基础设立的新公司实体的银行账户后,甲方向乙方支付该到帐融资额的5%的佣金,佣金可用现金或等价的新公司实体股份形式支付。

Article 9 After Party A or its new-established B2C electronic commerce platform entity receives the financing capital from the se-le-cted partner, it shall pay Party B a commission of 5% of the received money in forms of cash or price-equivalent shares of the new entity.

第十条 本协议自双方授权代表签字并加盖公章(含合同章)之日起生效,有效期为半年。协议到期后如需延期,可经双方协商后另行商定。

Article 10 This Agreement shall take effect upon the signing of authorized representatives from the two parties and stamp of the two parities including

contract stamp with the validity term of six months. The parties may consider a suspension, if necessary, when the contract terminates after negotiation.


第十一条 此协议一式四份,甲、乙双方各执贰份。具有同等法律效力。

Article 11 This agreement shall be produced in quadruplicate and each party shall keep two copies. All originals are equally authentic. (以下无正文)

(The remainder of this page is intentionally left blank)

甲方(盖章): 乙方(盖章):

Party A (stamp) Party B (stamp)

代表人(签字): 代表人(签字):

Representative (signature) Representative (signature) 签约日期: 年 月 日 签约日期: 年 月 日 Date Date

委托代理融资合同-信贷2017-04-25 09:12 | #2楼

合同编号:DMZ2017N 委托方(甲方):

受托方(乙方): 贵阳大拇指信息咨询有限公司


一、 服务内容:

1. 乙方向甲方提供借款信息咨询,并负责寻找能解决甲方资金需求的经办银行或相关的信贷机构,联系安排甲方与经办银行或相关信贷机构直接见面洽谈。

2. 乙方促成甲方与经办银行或相关信贷机构签署借款合同并完成借款(经办银行或信贷机构以甲方的需求及实际情况另外确定,统一银行系统或信贷机构视为统一经办方)。

二、 甲方提供的文件及需要满足的其他条件:

1. 甲方提供的文件资料以经办银行或信贷机构的要求为准,必须积极配合经办银行或信贷机构及乙方办理相关融资借款的必备手续且保证所提供文件的真实性。

2. 甲方需要满足的条件以经办银行或信贷机构的具体要求为准。

三、 乙方履行服务的期限:


四、 有下列情形的,视为乙方提供的服务已经完成:


五、 贷款额度:


六、 甲方应付乙方的佣金及支付方式:

1、 佣金:乙方未按第一,四条完成服务的不收取佣金;乙方按第一,四条完成服务的,甲方一次性支付乙方全额委托代理费。

2、 甲方自行支付费用的项目:房产评估费、公证费、保险费、网签费、他项抵押登记费、资金托管费等其他费用。

3、 甲方需要资金总额及支付乙方佣金比例:

甲方委托乙方为其提供代理融资服务,乙方向甲方推荐经办银行或信贷机构的借款为小写人民币 ,大写人民币 ,以乙方向甲方推荐经办银行或信贷机构的实际借款总额为准,甲方认可乙方委托代理费为甲方实际借款总额的 %,依据乙方向甲方推荐经办银行或信贷机构的实际借款总额为准。

4、 支付方式及税金的约定:



七、 甲方允许乙方把委托事务转委托给第三方处理。

八、 违约责任:

1、 未经甲方同意,乙方不能将甲方可与经办银行或信贷机构订立的合同转由其他委托人订


2、 本合同为不可撤销合同,即不得中途撤销该合同,乙方向甲方推荐的经办银行或信贷机


3、 在本合同履行期限内,甲方委托第三方向其他渠道进行融资贷款申请时,应取得乙方的


九、 诉讼管辖:


十、 合同的份数及效力:




甲方: 乙方:贵阳大拇指信息咨询有限公司

法人签字(委托人): 法人签字(委托人):

身份证号: 身份证号:

地址: 地址:贵阳花果园国际中心2号楼2715室 

联系电话: 联系电话:0851-85946117

签约地点: 签约时间:










