

时间:2022-05-06 08:18:49 餐桌礼仪 我要投稿
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”文明餐桌,从我做起“>倡议书餐桌文明是社会文明的重要体现,小餐桌,大文明 ,承载的不仅是人类的生生不息,更传承了中华民族的优秀文化和尊重劳动、珍 惜粮食、勤俭节约的传统美德。正在争创自治区文明县城的我们更应大力弘扬勤 俭节约、艰苦奋斗的崇高精神,自觉引领”文明消费、节约用餐“的良好风尚,倡 导积极向上、科学健康的生活方式,为此,我们特向全县广大市民发出如下倡议 :一、传承传统美德。我们每个人都要自觉做到传承”礼仪之邦“的美德,号召大 家踊跃参加到文明餐桌行动中来,积极打造温馨、文明的就餐环境,享受”文明用 餐,节俭惜福“的快乐。

二、做到合理消费。绿色消费,理性消费,按需点菜,厉行节约,反对浪费。三、倡导文明用餐。自觉遵守公共道德规范,不肆意喧哗, 注意他人的用餐感受;讲究用餐卫生,不带宠物进餐厅,不随意造成用餐环境污 染;低碳环保,使用”公筷公勺“,杜绝使用一次性筷子;提醒家人开车不喝酒, 酒后不驾车。四、餐饮服务企业在餐桌上摆放”节约用餐“标识牌,酒店点菜人员 做到主动提醒顾客适量点餐,引导消费者避免产生餐桌浪费;主动提供免费打包环保餐盒、袋,鼓励消费者将剩余饭菜打包带回。


关于餐桌礼仪的作文2016-07-01 22:29 | #2楼

Dear Marc,

How are you? I am very happy that you want to learn about Chinese eating manners. Chopsticks should be used when eating, but you are not allowed to stick in the food and point at any others, because it is very rude. Please try to keep silence when eating, especially when your mouth is filled. You cal hold the bowl to eat, it is very convenient. When eating with friends and relatives, you must toast to those people who are older than you. In China, we also share the food in one meal. Welcome to China oneday, I would take you to feel it instantly.


Kai Liu

中国餐桌礼仪的发展 英语作文2016-07-01 8:52 | #3楼

The Development of Table Manners in China

China has a long history and an excellent culture which is one of the most extensive and profound cultures in the world. Table manner is an important part of the Chinese culture. There is an old saying goes, “Bread is the stall of life”. In fact, dining is not only to meet the

basicphysiological needs, but also key stepof social contact to close the relationship between people. Under different period and different social backgrounds, table manners are different. There are many reasons behind the difference.

According to literature records,eating etiquette has formed a set of quite perfect system in Zhou dynasty. In the Qin and Han Dynasties,

people in the dining, receiving guests and other daily activities, all sat on ground. It is not sit cross-legged but knees to the ground and soles offeet face up. You should keep the upper body upright, sit on your heels. In formal situation, the order of sat should be followed. The most

important guest sit facing south, than the host facing west, other guest and companies sit facing east and north. Women are not allowed to eat at table, except the major guest is female or the meal is set only for women. Before sit down to eat, you should tidy your clothes, wash hands and rinsemouth. This is not only health requirements, but also shows person's self-cultivation.

When it comes eating, only after the host signal to start eating, can

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you enjoy your food. The eating order is drink after eating, meat after vegetables and fruits after meal. Tea is an indispensable step in Chinese traditional table.It isinformal if there is no tea on Chinese table. The

owner should pay attention to the situation in the tea cup, tea is to drink half a cup to refill. At the feast of the nobility, there would be play music or performance of dancing. And there are some tips you should remember when use chopsticks, don’t point at people with your

chopsticks. Don’t use chopsticks as fork or knife. When there are leftover on your chopsticks, don’t use it to pick food or don’t suck on it.

There are a lot of the same place between table manners in modern China and ancient times. But in some small places it has changed

because of western influence. The seating order is the same as western dinner etiquette, the first chief guest sit right to the host, the other guest sit in the host’s left or right of the first chief guest. Depends on the specific situation it is flexible.

The host should servemealstart from the guests on the right,the first is chief guestserve, than the host,first female guest, after the gentlemen.Tea is not the same important as before.People sometimes use other drinks like wine instead of tea. Wine glass can’t be poured too full. It still maintaining the traditional order of food, serve cold food than the hot food, at last, there are desert and fruit. If there are whole chicken, duck, fish and other plastic dishes, the head of them should

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nottail toward the chief guest. These programs can not only make the whole process of a harmonious and orderly, but also make the identity of host and guest clearly and easy for emotional expression and

communication. Therefore, the table manners can make feasts activities successfully.

The development and change of Chinese table manner has been influenced by western culture, which reflects the change of people's thought. In ancient society, it has the obvious superiority class, but the attention is being downplayed in modern. Modern table manners still retain many of the ancient customs. We can't just blend in with the world and forget to inherit our own traditional culture. Understanding and mastering table manners will enhanceour self-cultivation and contribute to social relationships with others.

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