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会议记录 英文翻译

时间:2022-05-17 16:20:59 会议主持 我要投稿
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会议记录 英文翻译

Content of the meeting:

会议记录 英文翻译

1、Preparations for the recently activities

1)、Those who participate in the contest activity designing of the new office bearers handed in their charts and prepare for the game.

2)、We have begun to collect materials and learning tips from the elder students of PKUM to help the freshmen pass the first exam.And we’ll list the collected data systematically into a file and send it to every class’s public mailbox,signing The Students’ un-io-n of PKUM.

3)、There are Readings and Debates recently,and the specific arrangement of division of everyone’s labor shall be announced after the National Holiday.

2、Interior construction

1)、The secretary group made the interior regulations and discussed them publicly.

2)、The meeting records,which is supposed to be brief but thorough,will be taken by the secretary group .

3)、The size of the contribution to our department made by the members will be measured with scores ,which is also used as the evaluation of the se-le-ction of the vice minister and the advanced officers.

4)、Minister Nie presented the working experience of the previous students’ un-io-n,including preparation for the new books,doing social surveys,the usage of the campaign money and something about the invoice.

5)、The newcomers exchanged their living experience and feelings since the new term.

英语翻译09-4班——班级会议纪要2016-12-21 16:16 | #2楼






1. 首先,班主任老师进一步了解了班级本学期举办的活动,了解了近期的班级动态;

2. 其次,根据考核各项指标开展的活动列出本班举办的各项活动。 具体的活动大类有:

① 社会实践

② 科技创新

③ 志愿者活动

④ 校园文化

⑤ 素质拓展

⑥ 心理自助

⑦ 贫困生帮扶

⑧ 职业生涯规划

⑨ 综合素质测评

3. 将以上有关各个类别的活动的相关材料派发给各个班委,每位班委负责一块,


4. 老师询问同学们近期的学习状态,天冷了,提醒大家注意防寒保暖,更指出虽然气温很低,被窝很暖还是要按时上课,学习委员注意考勤。


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