
时间:2022-04-18 11:30:03 招聘与面试 我要投稿
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很荣幸能有机会向各位进行自我介绍。我叫xx-x,今年xx-x岁,我学的是xx-x专业。这次来应聘我觉得自己有能力胜任这份工作,并且有着浓厚的兴趣,xx-x的基本工作已经熟练,如果能给我个机会,我一定会在工作中好好地表现的,一定不会让你们失望。 我很乐意回答各位考官所提出来的任何问题,谢谢!



学习方面,我端正了学习态度,大学仍需努力认真的学习。上课认真听讲,并做好老师课上做的笔记,课后就好好复习。由于我的努力,大学四年我从未挂过科,并连续四年每年都可以拿奖学金,同时被评为优秀学生干部,优秀团员,三好学生的称号;参加全国英语 竞赛拿到一等奖,全国数模竞赛省一等奖等。学习之余,走出校门,我珍惜每次锻炼的机会,与不同的人相处,让自己近距离地接触社会,感受人生,品味生活的酸甜苦辣。所以多次当过促销员和其他社会实践,为的就是不断提高自己的能力。

生活上,我非常感谢学校能够提供给我助学贷款,缓解了我的经济压力 。我利用课余时间和假期时间在外面找兼职、做家教,也锻炼了我的社会交往能力。好几年都没见到父母也让我更加的坚强,让我学会了合理的自理生活。同学们都说我是一个很会理财的人。


英文自我介绍面试范文2015-10-17 23:28 | #2楼




i'm glad to have such a good chance to be here for your interview。first of all,i'd like to introduce myself to you。my name isxx i am 23years old。 my hometown is yj,a very beautiful city in the east of hunan 。 i will finish my undergraduate education in changsha university of science and technology this july  during the university, my major is financial management

everyone has a dream,and even when i was young,my dream was to be a people who would be useful to the society in the future i plan to focus my research in accounting study。and i hope i can have a systematic view of it and ma-ki-ng a solid foundation for future profession after two years study here。 i have the confidence because i have such ability! if i could have the chance to study here,i promise that i would never fail your expectation。i will try my best to study and learn as much as i could。

besides above,i also have many interests in spare time。i like music、chinese chess and all kinds of sports,such as basketball 。because i think it can relax myself and build up my body。generally speaking,i am a working-hard student especially do the things which i love。i will try my best to finish it no matter how difficult it is。in my view,as long as we don”t lose heart and keep on trying,we are sure to go through failure and achieve our aimsthat is all,thank you for your attention。

平面设计师面试自我介绍范文2015-10-17 23:26 | #3楼






精选小升初面试自我介绍范文2015-10-17 9:29 | #4楼


我叫xx-x,是xx小学的一名小学生。我的梦想就是有朝一日可以站在诺贝尔奖的领奖台, 成为一名举世闻名的科学家,我是一名品学兼优的好学生,在学校,我尊敬师长,乐于助人,我的人缘很好,能和大家打成一片。我爱好广泛,喜欢篮球,曾经是学 校的篮球队成员,我还喜欢小提琴,自小时候便开始学,后由于时间冲突,不得不放弃,最终,我也考上了4级,现在我也偶尔摆弄。我的作文优秀,曾在全国、市、区、校各级作文大赛中屡次获奖。我连续五年被评为“三好学生”,后因为体育较弱而未能评上市级三好学生。在班里,我曾做过班长、路队长、学习委员和卫生委员等职务,现在还帮助老师批改作业,成为老师的得力小助手,每天放学后,我总是会留在班内,为我的组员讲题(因为我也是数学小组长),帮助他们战胜困 难。在短短的几年中,我和同学们相处融洽,当班干部却没有班干部的架子,担当卫生委员的职务时,我只需要监督卫生情况,可我却总是与同学们一起干活,每天 晚上,我本可以回家,可每当我想起自己的职责时,便会等众人走后,拿起扫把,与值日生一起劳动。我可能不是最好的,也不是最聪明的,可是,我认为我自己很 勤奋,很好学,很上进,因为我的态度永远是那么端正!没有最好,只有更好,我相信我的明天一定会无比辉煌!只要我更加努力,我的梦想也会离我越来越近!


hello! (sir / madam / ladies and gentleman)

my name's (中文名字), and you can call me (英文名字).

i'm eleven years old.i study in……primary school,and i'm in class 5,grade 5.there're three people in my family,they're……my mother is a (职业)……my father is a (职业)……i do love my happy warm family!in addition,i'm sunny boy with lots of hobbies, for instance,stamp-collecting, swimming,reading, etc.but i prefer……because……and i have learned since i was……years old.soon i will graduate from primary school, and i sincerely hope that i can continue to study at this school.thanks for your attention!

小升初英文面试自我介绍范本2015-10-17 13:43 | #5楼

i am          . i was born in         . i graduate from          senior high school and major in english. i started learning english since i was 12 years old. my parents have a lot of american friends. that’s why i have no problem communicating with americans or others by speaking english.

in my spare time, i like to do anything relating to english such as listening to english songs, watching english movies or tv programs, or even attending the activities held by some english clubs or institutes.  i used to go abroad for a short- term english study. during that time, i learned a lot of daily life english and saw a lot of different things.

i think language is very interesting. i could express one substance by using different sounds. so i wish i could study and read more english literatures and enlarge my knowledge.

面试英文自我介绍范文一2015-10-17 17:40 | #6楼

my name is chenxx,i was born in 1987 and come from the the famous scenic spot ---lunshan,jiujiang.my major in university is customs declaration and international freight.during my study in university,i went to the training of national customs officer,cargo agent,declarant,assiatant logistician and documentation specialist ,and got all the certificates.and i also win many scholarships.i have a lot of professional knowledge which made be able to work efficiently. my individuality can be described as an honest, a strong sense of duty, positive and passional,and work well under heavy pressure.i hope that i had the honor to join in your company.

my name is ...i was born in1987 and i 'm from the beautiful famous jiujiang in lushan. during the time in school ,my major subject is customs declaration and international freight during the time in school i have got many kinds of rewards, and i have passed the exanms of national customs officer,cargo agent,declarant,assiatant logistician and documentation specialist .

i am a person with rich knowledge of my major,and i am honest .i 'm also very hot-hearted ,i am vrey lively and i have strong resposibility of my job .i can bear lots of pressure .i hope i can be a member in your company.

this is my self introduction ,thanks!











