

时间:2022-04-18 23:47:55 员工管理 我要投稿
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The leave policy applies to all local staff formally hired by the company. This policy provides guidelines for the staff to take the leaves they are entitled to.


Two days ( including two days) leave should be authorized by department manager, exceed two days leave must be authorized by General Manager.


“Request for Leave” (not including sick leave) form must be sent to HR department for record ahead of leave. “Request for Sick Leave” form must be sent to HR department for record within one day of working, or will be considered to be absent from work.


Company requires all employees to be on time, and to complete their assigned duties with an expected level of quality. If an employee’s promptness and/or attendance interfere with those responsibilities, Company will take the appropriate disciplinary action, including but not limited to: reprimand, suspension, and dismissal.


Company in conjunction with state laws allows absences for the following situations:

1. 年假 Annual Leave

2. 病假 Sick leave

3. 产假 Maternity Leave

4. 婚假 Marriage Leave

5. 事假 Personal Leave

6. 丧假 Condolence leave


Company reserves the right to ask for documentation in any of the above-mentioned situations.


If an employee knows he will be absent, he should immediately notify the appropriate person(s). An unreported absence of three or more consecutive working days will be considered a voluntary withdrawal, and the employee will be removed from the payroll.

Company recognizes and pays the following holidays:

元旦 1天

New Year's Day one working day

国际劳动节 3天

Labor Day three working days

春节 3天

China Spring Festival three working days

中国国庆节 3天

China National Day three working days

圣诞节 1天

Christmas Day one working day


You are eligible for paid holidays from your date of hire. Holidays that fall on a Saturday and Sunday will typically be recognized as government bulletin. 8.01 年假 Annual Leave


All staves in due are entitled to the following working days paid annual leave per calendar year (not including Saturdays and Sundays)

服务期(年) 年假

Serving (years) Annual Leave

1-2 5个工作日

1-2 5 working day

3-5 10个工作日

3-5 10 working day


If service years exceed 5 years, one working day will be added with one more service year, but the total annual leave cannot exceed fifteen working days.


Annual leave per month, which can be added up to next month, is one twelfth of the total annual.


All staves are requested to take their annual leave entitlement during each calendar year.


Untake leave may be carried over until End of March of the next year, otherwise the untaken leaves will be forfeited.


For business reasons there might be some exceptions to this rule usually resulting from a last minute cancellation of prior approved vacation at the requestof the company. However this is subject to General Manager prior approval, who must send a written notice to HR department, A new deadline to clear the holidays will be set.

员工应尽早提交“假期申请表”(见E110.00 “Request for Leave” Form休假申请单),最迟要在休假开始日的10个工作日前提交休假申请,以确保公司业务不受影响并能高效运转。

Staves must submit the “Request for Leave” form (see attachment) as early as possible, and at least 10 working days prior to the first vacation day in order to ensure uninterrupted and efficient business operation.


According to the company operation and staff’s going, annual leave will be designated and staff should accept it.


All annual leave must be integer times of 0.5 days.

8.02 病假(包括节假日、公休日)Sick Leave


Sick leave has to be reported as soon as possible to the department manager who will advise the HR Department, it must be substantiated within two days by a doctor’s certificate issued by the hospital/clinic/doctor appointed by the company or the legal bureau who handles the employment.


Payment During Sick Leave

一个日历年中所休的天数 (基本工资+岗位工资)百分比 Number of days, during a calendar year % of Base and Post Salary 0-6(包括6天) 100%

6-15(包括15天) 80%

15-20(包括20天) 60%

超过20天 按照劳动法规的最低限

20days and above legal minimum required by Chinese law


If income is lower than income legal minimum required by Chinese law.


If total sick days exceed 20 days, medical treatment period of the staff will start. The total income is the legal minimum required by Beijing local law.


For all functions, sick days will be deducted from the total bonus, whichis due,


For all staff, deducted bonus is:

一段时间的奖金数  这段时间中病假的天数


bonus for the period  total of sick days during the period

20.92number of months in the period


Sick leave due to industrial injury will not be treated as above and will be dealt with according to law of PRC.


Abortion due to illness will not be calculated as above, any other kind of abortion leaves will be calculated as above.


No bonus if Sick Leave exceed 30 days.

8.03 产假 Maternity


Female staves will receive monthly statutory basic salary during maternity leave, however, for a maximum period of 90 days (in special cases, as substantiated by a doctor’s certificate, for a maximum period of 105 days)


Any additional days exceeding 105 days will be treated as sick leave according to item above.


For all functions, maternity leave days will be deducted from the total bonus, which is due,


For all female staff, deducted bonus is:

一段时间的奖金数 这段时间中产假的天数


bonus for the period total of maternity leave days during the period

20.92number of months in the period

注意:休产假的申请必须至少提前预产期或产假开始日12个星期通知总经理。 Notice: requesting maternity leave must be given to General Manager at least

12 weeks before the expected date of giving birth or the date on which maternity leave is to commence.


Maternity leave is considered as continuous employment. Any applicable allowances/benefits will continue uninterrupted during the leave.

8.04 婚假 Marriage Leave


Marriage leave will be granted in accordance with relevant Chinese law and regulations.

女员工 男员工 婚假

female staff male staff marriage leave

不满23岁 不满25岁 3天

below 23 below25 3 days

23岁及以上 25岁及以上 7天(包括星期六和星期日) above 23(including) above 25(including) 7 days(including Saturdays and Sundays)


Staves will receive monthly statutory basic salary and position salary during marriage leave.


Staves who have been hired by the company and are under probation are not entitled to marriage leave.


Marriage leave is applied for the first marriage only.

8.05 事假 Personal Leave


The company doesn’t grant personal leave with pay alternatively, staves can compensate that by annual leave if they have any.

申请休年假须事先填写E110.00 “Request for Leave” Form休假申请单,经总经理批准后送至人事部门备案。

To apply for advance annual leaves, the “Request for leave” form must be submitted to the General manager for approval then to HR department for record.


Total personal leave is less than 6 working days, or considered to be absent from work.


For all staff, deducted bonus is:

一段时间的奖金数  这段时间中事假的天数2.020.92这段时间的月数

bonus for the period total of Personal Leave during the period2.020.92number of months in the period

8.06 丧假 Condolence leave


1. 直系亲属(包括:父母、配偶、子女、养父母(公婆)、养子女、养岳父、养岳母)3天

2. 其它亲属(包括祖父母、兄弟姊妹、养祖父母、养兄弟姊妹) 1天

Condolence leave is granted to all company full time employees in accordance with government regulations, which is three condolence leave, limited to immediate family members only http://www.ahsrst.cn


Staves will receive monthly statutory basic salary and position salary during marriage leave.

员工休假管理制度2015-10-25 17:12 | #2楼


第一条 为了保障员工的合法权益,加强人事管理、行政管理及其劳动管理,根据《中华人民 共和国劳动法》的有关规定,制定员工休假管理制度。

第二条 第二条 法定节假日是指我国现行休假制度规定的带薪节日和休息 日。法定节日假包括: 元旦(1天)、农历春节(3天)、 五一劳动节 、 (1天) 十一国庆节 、 (3天) 中秋节(1天)、 端午节(1天)、清明节(1天)、三八妇女节(女职员半 天);法定公休假为周六、周日。

第三条 婚假: 1. 员工结婚给予 3 天假期,达到晚婚者(男年满 25 周岁,女满 23 周岁),可再增加婚假 7 天。 2. 员工休婚假期间,其标准工资照发。 3. 员工结婚男女双方在异地者,报销一次往返路费(具体参照 出差交通工具乘坐标准)。

第四条 丧假:员工亲属(父母、岳父母、公婆、配偶、子女、兄弟 姐妹)死亡,给予丧假3天;职工亲属在异地死亡可根据路 途远近给予路程假,路费自理。职工在治丧期间的标准工资 照发。

第五条 产假:女职工生育子女期间享受产假。员工计划内生育产假 90天,含产前假期15天,属晚育者,另有晚育假30天。如难 产增加产假30天;多胞胎生育的,每多生育一个婴儿,增加 产假15天。已婚女员工怀孕流产的,根据医院开具的证明给 予15天假期。期间标准工资照发。

第六条 看护假:员工配偶分娩期间,可给予看护假10个工作日。护 理假期间标准工资照发。

第七条 职工因病或非因工受伤,经批准停止工作或不能正常工作需 治病、休养者可享受病假。

第八条 员工休养病假1天以下者需经部门经理批准,1-3天者报主管 副总经理批准,3天以上报总经理批准。

第九条 员工休病假7天(不含)以内,标准工资照发。7天(含)以 上者,发放标准工资的60。

第十条 员工因个人私事,经批准休假的,一次事假不得超过3天 。(含) 事假期间基本工资照发,其他工资按实际天数扣除。

第十一条 员工请事假1天以内者,经部门经理批准,2天者,经分管 领导批准,3天以上情况须经总经理批准;总部副经理以上 人员请事假须经总经理批准;分公司副经理以上人员请事假 须经分公司总经理批准。

第十二条 一年内累计事假不能超过15天,否则视为自动离职。

第十三条 员工因工负伤住院或凭医院出具的工伤休假证明经领导批 准后休假,员工在工伤期间工资标准为前十二个月的平均工资。

第十四条 带薪年假:工作满一年以上的员工,可享受7天带薪年假; 工作满两年以上的员工,每年可享受10天带薪年假。所有 带薪年假可以在年度内一次性或分次累计使用,但不得跨年 度累计使用。

第十五条 职工凡与配偶或父母(岳父母、公婆除外)不在同一城市, 又不能在公休假日团聚的,工作满一年者可享受探亲假。符 合上述要求的员工每年享受两次探亲假,由个人申请在法定 假日自行安排并上报综合管理部,公司按同等级别出差标准 实报实销往返路费。当年不用,次年不予累加。










