

时间:2022-04-19 09:05:05 招聘与面试 我要投稿
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1) 自我介绍(can you briefly introduce yourself?)

2) 告诉我一些关于你的课程,你最喜欢的初中课程,为什么?哪一门课程对于你来说最困难或最具挑战性?(tell me something about your courses. what is your favorite subject in high school? why? or why not?which courses have been most difficult or most challenging for you?)


3) 你喜欢你的初中学校吗?你是怎么描述你的学校的?(do you like your high school? how would you describe your school?)


4) 你最喜欢哪一位老师,为什么?(who is your favorite teacher? why?)


5) 你取得的最大学术成就或经历过的最大失败是什么?(what is your greatest academic accomplishment or failure?)

令人难忘的经历,原因是什么?失败不要紧,可以就事论事地说,重要的是学会了什么,此处可以用乔丹曾经说过的,you failed,failed and failed,that’s why you succeed。

6) 如果你是校长/有机会做一件事,会如何改变学校?(if you were the principal, how would you change the school?)

美国私立高中面试问题2015-10-31 14:12 | #2楼

1. 为什么要到美国读书?你的理由要足够充分,这样,才能使面试官信服。

2. 父母的职业?父母的职业,在招生官看来,是了解你的一个窗口。一般来说,父母的职业对孩子或多或少都有一定的影响。

3. 简单介绍一下你的学校。嘿嘿,这不是个难题,但考验的是自己的表达能力。

4. 你在学校的学习成绩如何? 注意,如果成绩很好,要注重说自己的学习方法,要谦虚。

5. 你有什么爱好和特长?

6. 你将来想从事什么职业? 这反应了你内心的想法,你为什么想从事这职业,你做了哪些打算?

7. 你是怎么知道我们高中的? 以上便是铜陵导航教育为您整理的一些面试官有可能问到的问题,当然这只是其中的一部分,如果想了解更多的问题可以委托我们铜陵导航留学公司办理申请到美国读高中,因为本公司会为你孩子制定一份更详细的面试问题内容,除此之外还有其他的服务,包括面签的培训。

美国高中面试问题汇总2015-10-31 23:36 | #3楼

1.学术背景(your academic background)

1) 请聊一聊你上的课程。你中学最喜欢的科目是什么,为什么喜欢这些科目?或者哪些课程你觉得最难且最具挑战性? (tell mesomething about your classes / course work .what is your favoritesubject in high school? why? what courses have you found the mostchallenging?)

2) 你喜欢你的中学吗?你会怎么描述你的学校?如果给你一个机会改变学校的某一方面,你想改变什么? (do you like yourhigh school? how would you describe your school? if you couldchange one thing about your school, what would it be?)

3) 你最喜欢哪一位老师,为什么?(who is your favorite teacher? why?)

4) 你取得的最大学术成就或经历过的最大失败是什么?(what is your greatest academicachievement or failure?)

2.个人生活 (your personal life)

1) 聊一聊你自己。你的家庭背景以及你的成长环境是怎样的?(tell me about yourself. tell me aboutyour family. where did you grow up?)

2) 你最喜欢哪本书,最喜欢哪位作者,最欣赏哪一步电影或电视剧?为什么?(what is your favorite book,author, movie or tv show? why? )

3) 你定期阅读什么杂志或报纸吗?(what magazines or newspa-pe-rs do you readregularly?)

4) 哪一个人对你的生活影响最大?(what person has most influenced you?)

3. 关于课外活动 (your extracurricular activities)

1) 你曾在哪项课外活动中贡献最大呢?(what has been your greatest contribution to anextracurricular activity?)

2) 你有什么爱好和特别感兴趣的事情?(do you have any hobbies or specialinterests?)

3) 你如何描述自己的家乡?(how would you describe your hometown?)

4. 关于高中的问题 (questions about high schools)

1) 你挑选学校时,最看重哪些标准?(what are your most important criteria whenlooking at high schools? )

2) 我们学校哪一点最吸引你?你为什么就想到这所学校来读书? (what interests you most about ourschool? why do you want to attend this particular high school?)

3) 课余时间你都喜欢做什么?(what do you like to do in your free/sparetime?)

4)我们学校的课程,你最喜欢哪些?有哪些特别的课程和活动非常吸引你?(what did you like most about ourschool’s subjects/courses? what specific classes or activitiesappealed to you?)

5)你在大学里想学的专业是什么?(what do you think you will study/major incollege?)

6) 你的事业目标是什么?五年或者十年后你觉得你在做什么?(what are your future career goals?where do you see yourself in five/ten years?)

7) 你还考虑哪些其他学校?(what other schools are you considering?)

8) 为什么我们该录取你? (why should we accept you?)

9) 你有什么问题想问的吗? do you have any questions for me/us?

美国高中留学面试问题及应对技巧2015-10-31 23:20 | #4楼


1.学生的学术背景以及之前就读的学校。比如how wouldyou describe your school?/ who is your favorite teacher? why? /whatis your favorite subject? why?

2.学生的个人生活。比如tell me aboutyourself, including your family background and where you grew up?/what is your favorite book, author, movie or tv? why?/ what personhas most influenced you in your life?

3.课外活动,兴趣爱好。比如what has been yourgreatest contribution to an extracurricular activity?/ do you haveany hobbies or special interests?

4.关于你选择的学校或美国的教育制度。比如what is ofthe most interest to you about our school?/ how would you describeamerican high school? / how would you adjust to a differenteducational system?

另外,在校方问完问题后,你也可以向校方提出问题,以表示对学校的关心及兴趣,比如可以问问学校的学生群体怎样,howwould you describe the student body?或者有些什么注意事项are there any majorissues concerning my candidacy that you think i could usefullyaddress before i finish my interview?等等。

[转载]准备美国高中面试的一些问题 之一2015-10-31 20:26 | #5楼


why do you want to study in usa? what is the most interest toyou about our school?


why do you choose our school? what do you like most about ourschool’s academy?


what are your future goal? what do you think your major will bein college?


what other schools are you considering?

5. 我们为什么该录取你?

why should we accept you?










